Gunners ’n’ Grenades launched 24th Feb 2014 and OTS News is quick on the draw!
Reviews for B.A.O.R.
AUTONOMY REVIEWS - Autonomy run by Harper Collins rated B.A.O.R. in the top ten out of over 10,000 novels.
'I really enjoyed the conversational tone of B.A.O.R. It's a lot like listening to my uncle talk about his time in Vietnam. Although we're 'across the pond,' I could easily picture 20 year old Sean and mates right alongside my own military friends. '
'I loved this! I felt I was right there with you. You have an excellent voice and it felt real and genuine. '
'I have to say, military style books would be the last genre of book I would ever choose to read. However I felt a real compulsion to read this. I must say that right from the word go, I could not put this book down, I could not wait to read what these crazy lads would be up to next. This is a very well written book which is passionate, witty and at times shocking to the core! However very few books make me laugh out loud these days and this one did on several occasions.'
"What a great read! There was so much going on and the stories were so colourful as were all the 'characters'. It's hard to believe that this all actually happened. Well done!" Ken Spears. Authonomy.
From Amazon:
'I Loved this Book! Thought it would be too ‘masculine’ for me - but I really enjoyed the behind the scenes look at prepping for Belize. I cannot recall laughing so much.'
'This is a great series and once you start reading you will not be able to stop.'
'Do yourself a favour and read these books - well worth the price.'
'It really is a ‘must read’ but probably best to do so in private. I read it on a flight and received some very odd looks from fellow passengers as I was helpless with laughter!'
Featured in SHINE Magazine this September 2013

I kind of went into this radio studio and ended up doing my own show!