...To the World of Sean Connolly who was once a Bombardier in the British Army but has now dropped his sword to take up the pen to massive critical acclaim. His 'down to earth' books depicting the life of a humble British Soldier and tales of his tour of duty in the Caribbean Country of Belize (British Army on the Rampage), are witty, raucous, raw and real and have met with a rapturous response. Contrasting with this are the darker tales of his early life as a Junior Soldier and the bullying and cruelty that he was subjected to (Surrogate Fathers). Sean Has also written the fictional edge-of-your-seat thriller, 'Gunners ’n’ Grenades'. There is also the very funny ‘Fighting The Red Menace’ and finally there is the incredibly brilliant audiobook of ‘Warning Order Belize’ read by the brilliant Jason Mills and available on iTunes and Amazon.
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"I have no live rockets in my pockets…"
"These are just the stories of a hell of a good time with real friends and comrades and the life we lived, the pranks we got up to and the friendships formed. I make no apologies for the fact that these memoirs are humourous, because all in all I had one hell of an outrageously good time. And if war is a serious business at least we had a lot of laughs on the way…”
At Last - It's Here
gunners ’n’ Grenades
Now available in Paperback

"Sgt. Sledge is rough, tough and bad, a young man of principles - his own principles. A man with no respect for authority - so what the hell's he doing in the Army? - He's about to be thrown out - that's what! “
And Also…
Beat the Rush & The Russians...
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Fighting the Red Menace
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Surrogate Fathers
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"It's like Club 18-30 with guns!" - David RIchardson - Director 'Shameless'.
"I didn't know what to expect, because I've never read a non-fiction military book before, but this drew me right in. I've thoroughly enjoyed getting a glimpse into what it is like to be a member of the British Army, and probably even more so, because I'm an American. I felt a true connection to the story and to your character as we see you going into Belize. I experienced the raw truth, sometimes with humour, sometimes with seriousness.
" Autonomy Review.”
Just what you need to keep you entertained on your way to work or into battle...
The Audiobook is Here!

You’ve read the book now hear the audiobook…
Voice Actor Jason Mills brings Warning Order Belize to life with a vengeance. It is now funnier than ever and a whole new experience. If you haven’t read the book you are in for one massive treat and if you have then this is even better - 4 hours of extreme jollity - all you have to do is listen! Same price as a music CD but four times longer, four times funnier and absolutely no rubbish singing!
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