![baor-travels-well n med hr](../_Media/baor-travels-well_n_med_hr_med_hr.jpeg)
Seeing Simon Garland's photo with a copy of B.A.O.R. got me thinking… So I’m holding a competition for a photo of the book in ‘the most unusual place’. It’s a bit of fun but if you’re in some exotic location or up a tree or somewhere just a little bit unusual take a photo of the book there and email it to sean@armynovels.com - the winner gets 20 quid and a free download of my forthcoming book ‘Gunners & Grenades’. And as Simon unwittingly gave me the idea, I thought I’d name the competition after him. I’ll start to put up the entries on this page around the second week in January! Competition closes Feb 28th 2014.